Tree Care 101: DIY Tips And When To Call In The Experts

Ensuring the health and vitality of your trees is a balance between personalized care and knowing when to call upon professional expertise. The keys to successful tree maintenance encompass correct watering techniques, understanding signs of diseases, and applying seasonal care. Simultaneously, recognizing the limitations of DIY tree care and the potential need for professional intervention is crucial. This blog aims to guide you on your journey toward being a responsible and knowledgeable tree owner.

Understanding the Basics: Correct Watering Techniques

Trees require adequate hydration to thrive. However, the watering needs of trees vary depending on their species, size, and environment. A common mistake is to water trees in the same manner as lawns — a shallow, frequent schedule. Trees, on the other hand, benefit from deep, less frequent watering, which promotes the growth of deep roots, making the tree more resistant to drought and disease.

Determining the right watering schedule depends on the age of your tree. Young trees often need more water due to their shallow root systems. This is particularly true during dry periods. Mature trees, on the other hand, have established root systems and may require less frequent watering, depending on the local climate and soil conditions.

Becoming a Tree Doctor: Recognizing Signs of Diseases

Trees, much like any other living being, can get sick. Disease in trees can be caused by a variety of factors including bacteria, fungi, and pests. Early detection of these diseases can make a significant difference in their survival and overall health.

Typical signs of disease in trees include discolored leaves, early leaf drop, and the presence of fungi, like mushrooms, around the base of the tree. Unusual growths or swellings on the bark, branches, or roots can also be indicative of disease. If you observe any of these symptoms, it's important to consult an arborist or a local extension service to correctly diagnose the issue and recommend appropriate treatment.

Balancing Act: DIY and Professional Tree Care

While many aspects of tree care can be handled by homeowners, there are scenarios that call for the experience and equipment that professional tree services offer. 

For instance, tree pruning, particularly for mature or large trees, can be a complex and dangerous task. It requires the right knowledge to ensure that the tree's health is not compromised and the correct equipment to ensure personal safety. Additionally, diagnosing and treating diseases or pest issues can be a complicated process. Misidentification of the disease or pest, or incorrect application of treatment, can further harm the tree and the surrounding ecosystem.

Contact a professional to learn more about tree care
